Layby Terms
Layby option is available when going through checkout.
Available for Orders over $100.00 (excluding shipping)
Once your order is processed, a 25% instalment will be invoiced via Paypal - please allow 24-48hrs for this to occur. A further 3x 25% Instalments will be sent to you at regular intervals (see below). Should you wish to pay instalments via Bank Deposit, please mention this when going through checkout.
Instalment payments for In Stock fabrics are usually weekly and your order will be cut and put aside once the 1st instalment is received.
Instalment plans for Pre Order fabrics may be weekly, fortnightly or monthly depending on the estimated arrival date of the collection ordered.
Please note that eta's are provided as advised by the distributor at the time of listing. This is a guideline only and delivery by these times cannot be guaranteed.
If during the term of your layby plan you decide to cancel your order, a termination fee of 20% of the total order value will be deducted from your payments. If you do not abide by Layby terms and payments are not made within 1 week of invoices being sent, your Layby may be cancelled with a termination fee of 20% of the total order deducted from any payments already made, and/or fabric will be shipped out to the value of payments already made minus a termination fee of 20% on the unpaid amount. This will at my discretion.
If your order needs to be revised by us due to stock not arriving from the Distributor or inventory discrepancies, a refund for the unavailable items will be issued.
If you are having difficulties with your payments, please feel free to discuss the terms of your layby with me.